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CA FOP Foundation

The CA FOP funds programs designed to honor America's law enforcement officers, foster community involvement, and aid the families of those who have made the ultimate sacrifice in the line of duty. Each year, individuals and companies around the world join in partnership with the FOP by contributing to the CA FOP Foundation. These contributions demonstrate their appreciation for the service and sacrifice made each day by law enforcement officers and their families.

You can join in this partnership by donating to the FOP Foundation
The FOP Foundation is a non-profit corporation with an Internal Revenue Code of 501(c)(3), so your donations are tax-deductible.

Easter Seals is the national charity of choice for the Fraternal Order of Police/Auxiliary/ and Associates. The California Fraternal Order of Police (FOP) has participated in this very worthwhile charity for the past twenty years in various ways. Initially, the California FOP established interest in this organization when it supplied off duty Police Officers and Police Explorers to provide security for the National Telethon held annually in Hollywood. Through the years, this effort has evolved into a greater participation from FOP members by donating both moneys and services for volleyball games, softball games and 24-hour relays throughout the State and now, annual Walk-a-Thons.

Currently, the California FOP remains actively involved in the support of Easter Seals by not only donating officer services but also by generating cash funds. More than 82 cents of every Easter Seal dollar goes to direct services and more than 90% of contributed income is retained in the area where it is raised. During the years of 1996 and 1997, the California State FOP generated $20,500 in cash and services, the largest amount from the western states. The FOP in California continues to donate annually to the Easter Seals Program.

We successfully spread ourselves out very thin and the Easter Seals Walk/Run went off without any major issues.


Special Olympics transforms lives through the joy of sport, every day, everywhere. We are the world's largest sports organization for people with intellectual disabilities: with 4.4 million athletes in 170 countries -- and millions more volunteers and supporters. We are also a global and social movement. - SOSC


The mission of the National Law Enforcement Officers Memorial Fund is to generate increased public support for the law enforcement profession by permanently recording and appropriately commemorating the service and sacrifice of law enforcement officers; and to provide information that will help promote law enforcement safety. - NLEOMF


The California Peace Officers' Memorial Foundation is a non-profit charitable foundation whose mission is to recognize and honor California's peace officers who gave their lives "In The Line of Duty" serving the citizens of this great state, and provide support to the family members left behind. - CPOMF

9-99 Foundation

The National 9-99 Police and Sheriff Foundation raises funds for injured or fallen officers and their families, invests in K9 safety and training, and provides counseling and mental health resources to all officers in need. - 9-99 Foundation

California Fraternal Order of Police
640 Bercut Drive
Sacramento, CA 95811
  (916) 232-9911

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